media : digital collage
size : smaller than it should be because this idiot saved over the original file
year : 2018
baby's first digital collage
x marks the spot — a prompt for a 'create your own oracle' challenge.
media : digital collage
size : 24"x14"
year : 2022
baby's most recent digital collage
frida — a gift for my SiL, loaded with as much frida khalo as i could smash in there while stiking within the parameters i use for these collages.
the spanish blue with red trim of her house, her favourite flowers from her garden, and a xolo dog, of which she had at least two. marigolds are an integral part of día de los muertos, their scent leading the souls of the dead back to their homes, and the xolo dog is a psychopomp.
the royal flycatcher isn't quite native to mexico, but its crest makes me think of the elaborate headdresses worn by frida kahlo as part of her tehuana wardrobe. i chose not to use one of these more famous depictions of her, but to go with ones where her hair is simply pulled back; where you just see her, not what she is wearing.
media : digital collage
size : smaller than it should be because this idiot saved over the original file
year : 2018
baby's second digital collage
i am — a prompt for a 'create your own oracle' challenge.